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20Th Century Fox Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard

20Th Century Fox Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard
20Th Century Fox Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard
Price : $4.99
Code : 533478946
Category : Action Adventure
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Starring: Bruce Willis, Justin Long; Directed by: Len Wiseman

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Live Free or Die Hard is Die Hard in name only – the film stars Bruce Willis and has plenty of action, but it is not Die Hard (or Die Hard 4.0 as it was known in these territories). Rather than visceral thrills, a true sense of danger ...,New Die Hard Film Does Bang Up Job. February 17, 2013 4:33 PM. View Comments. "Good Day to Die Hard" (Source: Twentieth Century Fox). “Good Day to Die Hard” (Source: Twentieth Century Fox) ... The movie comes 25 years after the original “Die Hard” and six years after “Live Free or Die Hard,” the hit that resurrected the franchise centered on Willis' relentless New York City cop John McClane. The previous weekend's No. 1 movie, Universal's comedy “Identity Thief” starring ...,After the crititcal and box office success of Die Hard, it was inevitable that the studio heads at 20th Century Fox, the film studio responsible for Die Hard, would try to capture lightning in a bottle again with the release of Die ...,Buoyed by a powerhouse France opening, 20th Century Fox's A Good Day To Die Hard easily captured the No. ... The last sequel, 2007's Live Free or Die Hard, completed its foreign run with box office of $249.7 million. ... The musical's Germany opening on the weekend produced $1.5 million at 377 situations, enough for a No. 4 market rank. Weekend over all registered $9.1 million at 3,640 in 52 markets. Les Mis has seven more territories still to open including a ...,Opens. Thursday, Feb. 14 (20th Century Fox) ... The Bond series hasn't run out of ideas to the extent that it's begun dragging in hitherto unknown offspring with whom to team the leading man, but in Live Free or Die Hard we met John's daughter Lucy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), and this time we're introduced to his .... I thought 3 was fantastic, but 4 just didn't "feel"(for lack of a better word) like a Die Hard movie(the dialog, the story, the crook, the extras, everything).,By Van Roberts Before I saw “A Good Day to Die Hard,” I remembered “Die Hard 2: Die Harder” as my least favorite film in the Bruce Willis franchise. ... Indeed, it appears that 20th Century Fox has inserted the Bruce Willis/John McClane hero into a raw-edged, generic thriller with a tense father and son relationship. Unlike the first two “Die ... “A Good Day to Die Hard” is more like “Die Hard with a Vengeance” and “Live Free or Die Hard” since the hero remains at large.,... 25 years later, celebrating not only "Die Hard"'s silver anniversary, but anticipating a brand new Bruce Willis/John McClane adventure in just a few weeks ("A Good Day to Die Hard"). To mark the occasion, 20th Century Fox ...,FILE - This publicity film image released by 20th Century Fox shows Bruce Willis as John McClane, left, Jai Courtney as his son Jack, center and Sebastian Koch as Komarov in a scene from "A Good Day to Die Hard." Photo: 20th Century Fox, ... The movie comes 25 years after the original "Die Hard" and six years after "Live Free or Die Hard," the hit that resurrected the franchise centered on Willis' relentless New York City cop John McClane. The previous weekend's ...,By Josh Hylton February 14th 2013, R, 97min, 20th Century Fox. A Good Day to Die Hard. In the twelve year span it took for the third and fourth entries in the ... For better or worse, "Live Free or Die Hard" went in a new direction, as far away as possible from the elements that made the original movie great, yet it was still fun, though it was so over-the-top it didn't necessarily feel like a "Die Hard" film. As a critic friend of mine pointed out, it wasn't a very good "Die Hard" movie, but it was a ...,The 20th Century Fox release comes 25 years after the original "Die Hard" and six years after "Live Free or Die Hard," the hit that resurrected the franchise centered on Willis' relentless New York City cop John McClane. "There's still life ... 1. "A Good Day to Die Hard," $25 million. 2. "Identity Thief," $23.4 million. 3. "Safe Haven," $21.4 million. 4. "Escape from Planet Earth," $16.1 million. 5. "Warm Bodies," $9 million. 6. "Beautiful Creatures," $7.5 million. 7. "Side Effects ...,So after Die Hard, Die Hard 2: Die Harder(I know), Die Hard: With a Vengeance and Live Free or Die Hard we got A Good Day to Die Hard. Silly names aside, these films have made about $435 million so far in North America, that's unadjusted for inflation (adjusted is a lot more, $728.7 million to be more exact) so you can see why 20th Century Fox would like to milk this cow some more. So how much can they get from the latest Die Hard film? According to Deadline A ...,When the first Die Hard came out - yes, 25 years ago - Bruce Willis, armed with wisecracks, weaponry, and the boom and bluster of Beethoven's Ninth, helped redefine the action genre. ... FRANK MASI / 20th Century Fox. Bruce Willis (left) again packs plenty of firepower, this time while he helps his son, ... So here we are with A Good Day to Die Hard, the fifth in the franchise and the first since 2007's Live Free or Die Hard. It's set in Russia, where McClane, the New ...,It's hard to remember now, but when 20th Century Fox began promoting Die Hard back in 1988, it was far from a guaranteed success. ... This Die Hard fan only saw Live Free once, during its initial theatrical run, but whenever I think of it (which isn't often), the immediate go-to mental image is one from the film's climax, which found someone named John McClane straddling a giant, pilot-less F35 fighter jet, which he surfs atop before leaping off onto a destroyed highway ...,I got my pre-printed ticket ripped, bought a large drink with free refills, and went to the auditorium where the marathon would be screening. ... DIE HARD (1988). In 1968, Frank Sinatra played a character named Joe Leland in the Twentieth Century Fox release The Detective, based on a novel of the same name by Roderick Thorp. So when Fox started developing a film adaptation of Thorp's 1979 sequel novel Nothing Lasts Forever ..... LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (2007) ...,Studio: 20th Century Fox Rating: Varies. Pick up this classic set before the release of “A Good Day to Die Hard,” on February 14. One of the longest-running action franchises in the world makes a big splash with this special collection that celebrates the first four “Die Hard” films. In all four films, hard-boiled ... This five-disc set includes the Blu-rays for “Die Hard,” “Die Hard 2: Die Harder,” “Die Hard with a Vengeance” and “Live Free or Die Hard.” The fifth disc, “Decoding ...,Yippee-ki-yay, Mother Fox-er! 20th Century Fox is finally, thankfully (for giving us this), understanding the love for the Die Hard franchise and is hosting.,The posters for Die Hard and Die Hard 2 are on display up above (click for a closer look), and the lucky winner will win those and ones just like them for Die Hard With a Vengeance and Live Free or Die Hard! The posters are courtesy of our friends at 20th Century Fox, and when you win them you'll be able to boast about it to your friends by saying, “Now I have 4 Die Hard info-graphic posters! Ho ho ho!” And how might you enter said giveaway? The four ways to enter ...,... to Theaters February 13 with 5-Film Marathon. by Adam Chitwood Posted: January 15th, 2013 at 4:00 pm ... 20th Century Fox announced today that a five-film Die Hard marathon will be playing in theaters on February 13th. Fans will watch Die Hard, Die Hard 2: Die Harder, Die Hard with a Vengeance, and Live Free or Die Hard back-to-back, leading up to a screening of director John Moore's A Good Day to Die Hard a few hours before it opens wide. That's a lot of Die Hard.,Today's my birthday (don't worry, I wasn't expecting a card or anything) and as a lovely birthday present, 20th Century Fox have seen fit to release a new Die Hard film in the week of my birthday. ... which looks shards-of-glass-in-toe-curlingly awful, as if Fox compiled all of the worst parts of the film into one easily digestible two minute package, and (b) seem to have forgotten that Die Hard 4.0, or Live Free To Die Hard as it was known across the pond, wasn't much cop ...,A Good Day to Die Hard © 20th Century Fox/Robert Trate. John McClane has a way of ... By now, everyone knows what to expect from the Die Hard franchise, and the producers have long since given up trying to justify the plausibility of the scenario to us. That it exists is more than sufficient, and with .... Die Hard 3 and 4 were both original screenplays. As long as this movie is better than Live Free or Die Hard I think I will be happy. SinisterPryde 2/14/2013 12:53:16 AM ...
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